Wednesday 10 April 2013

Measham Wharf and Waterside Development - Shambles

Well that went well - did you complete the questionnaire?

More people than at the Consultation?

Well the meeting took place

Tuesday 9th April, 7pm at St Laurence's Church Hall

Meeting had been set up by the Parish Council to allow Parishioners to see the plans and the proposals for the Measham Wharf and Waterside Developments

The meeting was addressed by Jason Summerfield the Chair for Measham Parish Council

He said that no one from NWLDC Planners would be in attendance, and this meeting was to discuss, or comment upon the Development application shown in bold in the Application description, this was not well received.

Development of up to 450 residential dwellings and re-instatement of 1.1km of associated canal, provision of public open space and vehicular, emergency and footpath access (outline application all matters reserved except access, at Measham Waterside, Burton Road.)

He was asked by a Parishioner:-
Whether the Parish Council would support the views of the majority of the Measham People and even if everyone including the Parish Council objected to the development, would it still go ahead a 'Fait accompli' by the planners and developers any way?

Jason commented back that the Parish council had not yet discussed the matter, and had prepared a questionnaire to gauge and record the views of the Parish.

This was slightly strange as they have discussed it a least 3 Parish meetings and looking at the minutes they are all in favour of it?

Another question was why was the no one else in attendance, the reply was, that some Parish Council members were there as were 2 District Councillors and 1 District Councillor, they never took the opportunity to introduce the meeting or introduce themselves. I saw:-
Sean Sheahan
Tom Neilson
Geraint Jones

In attendance was also Geoff Pursglove fro the Ashby Restoration Group, he could have addressed the Risk Assessment question of a trench of water surrounded by housing and children

Most people were taking the opportunity to see the plans for the first time and understand the planning proposal

They were then given the opportunity to complete a questionnaire that didn't address the core difficulties of the development and the access's

The next Measham Parish Council meeting will be held at The Boardroom, Bosworth Road, on Thursday 11th April 2013 at 7.00pm
At the last meeting 1 Parish and 1 District Councillor had to leave due to conflict of interest?

There are still lots of question unanswered and a move was made to try to organise a public meeting to discuss more of the issues around the development.

A further Parishioners letter will be read out at the Parish Council Meeting, to get some of the objections minuted

Measham in the heart of the National Forest, the proud holder of the Heart of the Forest Festival. The legacy of the present members of North West Leicestershire District Council will be to destroy the few remaining green open spaces available to the parishioners of Measham all for the sake of 1000 metres of water going nowhere except through the middle of a housing estate. Thus destroying any hope of the Measham Wharf becoming a tourist attraction capable of sustaining the maintenance of the canal. The village is being held to ransom over this canal.

The damage this proposed development will do to our village will be irreparable, we will lose a medieval ridge and furrow field, we will lose part of the Ashby Wolds trail, we will lose the old established footpaths leaving our village to Oakthorpe and Moira, all of which are used by the people of this village. We will also lose the diverse animal, insect and plant species that inhabit the proposed development site. 
Take no notice of the ecological and archaeological reports submitted by the developers. These have tactical omissions in their favour and are flawed on many levels.

It is the responsibility of the members of the Parish Council to represent the views of the people of Measham, Those views were made plainly obvious at last night’s public meeting. It is the councils duty to protect the past, present and future history of Measham for our enjoyment and for the enjoyment of  future generations of this village.

We urge members of the Parish Council to actually go out into the village, take a walk around the footpaths on the proposed development site to see for themselves the striking natural beauty the village will lose, that same striking beauty you see as you come into the village from Birds Hill. You will realise how important it is that we keep as much green space as possible for use by the people of this village.
If you allow this development to go ahead un-objected you are condemning our village to a loss of its character. It will never recover . This development will completely overwhelm the village, a village which is already stretched to capacity.
We implore you to reach the right decision and put forward the villages objections to this opportunistic and inappropriate planning application.


  1. Great article Paul, I attended the "meeting" on Tuesday where my expectations were certainly not met! I've formally requested another public meeting via Tom Nielson that would give me the opportunity to voice my concerns and take on a more Q&A structure. I will be strongly objecting the new development and it would be good to understand views of other parishioners.

  2. the meeting was a total waste of time, the parish councilers were not listening to peoples views , there were acting as paid salesmen , telling everyone why it is a good idea - just to add to your list of councilers in attendance - bob oakes was present (who lives in moira, enough said )
